Birthday Girl!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our sweet little girl is 1 month old today! If any of you would have told me at Christmas time where we would be right now, I would have slapped you. Once this whole thing started, I had no idea what one month would bring either. Knowing how far we've come in 31 days is amazing to me and the fact that we've made it to this point with so little complications is truly a blessing. Going to the NICU every day takes a lot out of me and it's hard to be there and talk with the different parents and babies who are going through trials that are so much worse than ours and Darbi's. It's a very humbling experience but we thank our Heavenly Father every day that he has blessed our family. Here she was this morning when we came to see her. Sorry the picture is a bit blurry. She's been doing so much better with her oxygen saturation and when we got in there to do her cares, she only dropped a little bit! She was pretty calm for us today!

Here is a picture of her little foot. Ignore the bruise. That was where the IV was last week that infiltrated. It's healing nicely and looks much worse than it is. Her little foot is so long though! I had to get a picture of her toes. Both Clint and I have "finger toes" (toes as long as fingers...) and apparently she inherited them. Our little monkey! She could peel a banana with those toes...

Happy 1 month birthday Darbi!!

8 Wisecracks:

Courtney said...

Happy Birthday! She's super cute! I'm Courtney, I've been stalking your blog. I'm Megan Bradshaw's sister :)

Megan B ♥ said...

Happy birthday, pretty girl!!

sue said...

Happy birthday sweet baby girl. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You have a very wonderful Mommy and Daddy who love you so much. We look forward to sharing in many more of your special birthdays. Thank you Clint and Audrey for letting us be a part of this miracle. We love you both and pray that Heavenly Father's angels will strengthen you and bear you up. You are an amazing example to all of us. Love you all...Aunt Sue

Alison said...

Happy Birthday sweet little girl!!!

Looking forward to meeting you this summer. And really looking forward to hearing about the grief your sweet little stubborn-ness will cause your parents!!!!

Heather B said...

Hey, I'll stalk your blog too :) I'm Heather B, Megan Bradshaw's other sister. Happy Birthday, Darbi, you're beautiful!!

Troy and Kathy said...

Happy Birthday Baby Girl,
Clint and Audrey we are so happy to have this little angel in our family I love reading your blog everyday you are so amazing and upbeat I can't help but smile as I am reading about Miss Darbi's progress, thank you for posting a picture of all three of you it is great to see your first family photo :} Tell Miss Darbi happy birthday for all of us. We Love you all.

Debbie, Taylor and Raygan said...

Happy One Month Birthday Darbi. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. It won't be long before Audrey and Darbi are shopping for prom dresses and Clint is chasing away the boys with a shot gun! I love reading your blogs and keeping updated on Miss Darbi's progress. We love you all very much.

Shari Romney Family!! said...

Happy one month!! Im really glad that she is doing so well and is putting on weight now.