Grass Hater
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Posted by Audrey at 1:29 AM 6 Wisecracks
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Shortly after Darbi started crawling, we went up to Grandma's for dinner. It was the first time she had been able to crawl around on her own up there. If any of you know my Grandma, you know she is a master collector. Luckily, for her, she is a master organizer too so all of her collections are neatly on display. Her magnet collection alone would blow your mind! This post isn't about her amazing home.. although, I should devote an entire blog to categorizing everything she collects. Museums would go nuts. I'm not kidding.
Anyway, she has one stair that goes from the entryway to the living room in her home. This is all Darbi has had to practice on. She gets going up, but coming down is still head first.
Since we've moved into our new place, we've learned that the best and only attraction for Darbi, is the stairs. Unless I have something in front of them, she beelines straight for them. That one stair at Grandma's was all it took.. this baby knows how to climb stairs.
Don't look at how giant I am. :) I'm working on it. And we were still unpacking, hence all the boxes..
Here are some more cute pictures of D with Great Grandma Linda. We had a little blow out so Darbi's clothes were in the wash. I love babies in diapers!
Posted by Audrey at 1:58 PM 2 Wisecracks
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I don't know where she learned it but she just started doing semi-somersaults one day and Clint and I died laughing! She loved us clapping for her so the other night, she would just do it over and over!! She wiggles and claps for herself when she's done. She kills me..
Posted by Audrey at 11:34 PM 2 Wisecracks
The Wizard of Oz
We went to Sariah's (Darbi's cousin) dance recital on Friday and I thought I'd be off in the sidelines entertaining Darbi. Apparently, the dance recital was enough! She. LOVED. it. It was about 45 minutes long and she stood on my lap, danced, and pointed at the cute little dancers the entire time!
Posted by Audrey at 11:30 PM 0 Wisecracks
NICU Reunion
Saturday, May 22, 2010
It's been a little over a year since we left the NICU and we have been looking forward to this ever since! (Jen, if you see Shelley - tell her we missed her!!) :) We owe so much to those who did so much for us. It's a beautiful thing to see all those children there who wouldn't be here if it weren't for the Lord and the steady hands of the doctors and nurses. They have a great group of people running that place.
We ran into a few of our special blogging babies too! Lincoln's mama and Reese and Whit's mama. It was so nice to finally meet you both! I wish I had gotten a picture with you guys but I totally forgot! Maybe next year! :D
Posted by Audrey at 11:24 PM 5 Wisecracks
Midnight Goosing!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Last night, I stayed up late to finally blog and finished around about 12:15. I close my lappy, slide off the side of my bed and bend over to lay it on the ground. Clint jumps awake and reaches across the bed and grabs my butt with BOTH HANDS!!! He'd been asleep for about an hour and I flipped out! He was like, "What are you doing?? What is going on??" Crazy boy.. I had the same question... Then he dreamily told me that he thought I was Darbi and was falling off the bed and he had to save me.. HELLO?! Who doesn't love a midnight goose? :D
Posted by Audrey at 11:33 PM 2 Wisecracks
Moving Day!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Let me start with I. HATE. MOVING. But I love it at the same time. Our new place is so much bigger and I feel strangely liberated now that I have a washer/dryer. It will be strange to actually have to think about doing laundry during the day as I never ever EVER thought about it. My daily routine will change and I think I'll be a better Mom/Wife because I actually have a schedule to do housework since I have so much more space to clean!
Things I love about the new place:
- when Darbi is asleep, nothing wakes her up anymore! She shares 2 walls with the outside of the building, 1 wall with our bathroom, and 1 wall with the stairs from the living room.
- central air AND a ceiling fan in our bedroom! Such luxury I tell you! :)
- W/D. Can I say it enough???
- a backyard (to share with 7 other families but I don't care!!)
- gigantic kitchen! Comparatively...
- shower/bathtub combo.. I seriously missed taking a real bath for 2 years
- Darbi's room is HUMONGOUS!! Plenty of room to have a scrappy room/baby room = happy mama!
- our own separate garbage can (it felt a little weird taking the trash to the curb since I haven't done that since I lived in AZ before I was married!)
- upstairs AND downstairs (which reminds me... Darbi already knows how to climb stairs.. video to come and another gate to buy)
- crazy storage!
I feel so spoiled. There's more but I need to get to the pictures before I fall asleep. I have been way too exhausted to blog but it's always on the back of my mind. I've got 250+ entries to read in my Google Reader!On moving day I sent my Mom over to the new apartment with Darbi so she could help us get organized and also for Darbi to kind of get a feel for the new digs. I would call my Mom and she would put the phone to D's ear so I could talk to her. This is her face while I'm saying hello.. Isn't that ADORABLE?? I sure am loved... :)
Posted by Audrey at 11:24 PM 3 Wisecracks