Easter Dress

Sunday, March 28, 2010

We took Darbi to our home ward for the first time ever! She did really well. I found her dress at The Children's Place for $10 and she needed to wear her Easter dress somewhere. Since next week is General Conference, we decided to make today the big day. She did really well. I didn't have to leave any meetings to walk the halls with her or feed her. The last 20 minutes of Relief Society I was was stuffing treats down her throat to keep her happy and quiet. :) Both Clint and I were beat from trying to keep a wiggly baby quiet for 3 hours. It was really exhausting. We came home and all took an hour and a half long nap! Good Sunday!

We couldn't get one of all 3 of us so we took turns..

3 Wisecracks:

Shari Romney Family!! said...

She is such a pretty baby!

Anonymous said...

She's so adorable! Haven't you heard of self timer? hello! If you don't have that on your camera, I think that should be on your Christmas list. :)

Megan B ♥ said...

My arms are always so sore and I'm always sweating like a pig, exhausted, after wrestling Crew for 3 hours. He's so cute though :)