RSV Update

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We're not at the hospital yet and that's a good thing! Last night Darbi did surprisingly well. Our good friend and Elder's Quorum President came by last night to assist Clint in giving her a blessing which definitely helped both her and me sleep better. She napped in my arms in the rocking chair on and off until about 12:30 last night. She would wake up every 30 minutes in a coughing frenzy if I set her down. I think holding her kept her a little more relaxed until she was ready to fall into a deep sleep. I don't mind the extra snuggling.. even if it is a little snotty. :) She slept until 6:30! From there she was up and down quite a bit until about noon when she decided to really wake up. She was extra extra snotty and congested this morning. Much worse than yesterday. The sneezing subsided for the day but was replaced with a yucky phlegmy cough. She's not really wheezing but it's hard to hear her and not try to clear my throat.

We haven't had to turn her oxygen up any further since Monday. I turned her up to 1/16L just to be safe and we've left her there. Around 4 this afternoon, she perked right up and you almost could not tell she was sick except for the occasional crackly cough. It probably helped that she spent the whole night with Clint while I was at work. She was smiles for the rest of the night until I put her to sleep! She still is not feeling so well and we've got 1-3 more days until we know if we are in the clear.

If tomorrow takes a turn for the worse, we may be on our way to the Dr. again but I'm really thinking she's going to pull out of this one. She's got such a happy disposition and I think that helps when she's feeling really icky. She'll smile no matter how crappy she feels and it's so sweet to see those sicky eyes with a smile under them. :)

I'm still sleeping in her room so here's hoping for another good night for both of us!

8 Wisecracks:

Karalee said...

So sorry she is sick. I am glad she is staying out of the hospital. Hope you both get some rest.

The Blackham3 said...

Audrey, So sorry about Darbi. Try and get lots of rest. IF you do have to take her to the doc ask for a RX for the suction clinic at UVRMC. It has decreased the number of RSV admissions DRAMATICALLY! A very easy way to help keep Darbi out of the germ infested peds unit.

The Wigginton Family said...

Oh Audrey, you poor thing! I am so sorry baby Darbi has sicky eyes. I hope she feels better soon and you can steer clear of the hospital. We'll be praying for you.

Megan B ♥ said...

Aw, Audrey, I still can't believe this. Come on, little tigress! Say NO to RSV!!

Megan B ♥ said...

If DARBI can get RSV...

Shari Romney Family!! said...

Im glad she is still at home! Hope she gets better real soon!

Nic and Ashley Haws said...

I'm so praying for you guys. Poor little Darbi. How horrible.

There seems to be so much junk going around right now. Scary.

Let me know if I can do ANYTHING for you.

Megan said...

Dang it! scary!! Hope she feels and gets better soon. I hate it when they're sick and you feel so helpless!