The first nephew on Clint's side of the family finally made his entrance last night at 7:42pm. He weighs 6 pounds 4 ounces, is 18 inches long, and as healthy as can be! We can't go visit because of Darbi's little bug (which I think is on it's way out BTW. No fever today!). He is going to be a beautiful spoiled little boy and I can't wait to meet him! He has 3 sisters who are ca-raaazy about him! Makes me really really want to have another baby...
Baby Tyler Ryan
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Posted by Audrey at 9:51 PM 1 Wisecracks
High Temp Sicky
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My sweet little girl came down with an underarm temperature of 103.1 today. Which is bad. But because the underarm temp is always a little lower, you're supposed to add a degree.. an entire degree (we knew this from her days in the hospital but still.. that's alot!) which means her temp was 104.1!! YIKES. Clint and I rushed her to the Dr. today where we sent off a strep test, a urine test, and also a little blood work. We've ruled out the common flus/sickness going around right now and it's either strep, a urinary tract infection, and if it's not either of those - we go in for more tests tomorrow. She won't eat anything except for Puffy Cheetos.. I figure it's better than nothing. :( She is downing her juice like crazy so I'm not too worried about her fluid intake. I just hope she feels better tomorrow.
She's not a happy girl tonight.
Posted by Audrey at 9:47 PM 2 Wisecracks
D's New Bestie
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Last Wednesday, I got a call from my Aunt Holly (daddio's sis) saying that her son who was here at a BYU Football camp had possibly torn his meniscus and need a ride to the ER. (don't worry - he's fine) My neighbors were over watching the World Cup and I had just put Darbi down for a nap so it worked out perfectly. TV time for the neighbors if they would stay at my house in case Darbi woke up. :) I haven't seen Andrew since he was five and was mildly obsessed with Starfox on his N64 and would give no one the time of day. Turns out, he's a way cool kid and I'm kinda glad he hurt himself so I could get to know him! He wants to come to BYU next year and I'm super excited! We met up with him again today and took him to Brick Oven and then for a walk around campus/south of campus giving him the inside scoop on how cool BYU really is. And I think Darbi found a new bestie. :)
Posted by Audrey at 1:16 AM 0 Wisecracks
No More O2!
As of Thursday afternoon, we are officially OXYGEN-LESS. Trips to the moon are being planned as I speak! It's such a weird feeling. We took her off the O2 during the day about a month ago. Talk about feeling liberated!! Holy smokes. No tie downs - no leashes - there was happiness all around. My shoulder was screaming thank you's at me every time I left the house! But we were just given the ok to go without oxygen at night too! I feel like I'm forgetting something every time I put her to bed.
I remember when Darbi first came home from the hospital, I was constantly thinking about what it would be like to have a Normal baby. With normal weight gain, normal trips to the grocery store (without darty-eyes at all those germ factories), normal meal times, and I would dream about how it would be to just simply take Darbi out of the car. It was always such an ordeal. Leaving the house meant having one shoulder with a heart monitor, the oxygen tank and the other shoulder with the heavy diaper bag with every necessity known to mothering. On top of it all, one of those elbows had to carry the car seat. Keys, sunglasses.. don't drop anything... and try to get the kid and all her glory in the car. Now, I carry the kid, my purse... and THAT'S IT. I love it. She loves it. No need for extra O2. I think things are changing around here. She's Normal. CAPITAL N. Yeah, we're still a little germ conscious. It's not something that goes away overnight. But I'm feeling a ton better about not getting crazy looks everywhere we go.
Sidenote: We're DONE nursing! Officially. Can you believe I nursed for 18 months?! Yikes. Before I had Darbi, my silly ignorant self always said the day she gets teeth, we're done. I'm so glad we nursed as long as we did. I am 100% confident that that is the reason she stayed so healthy and has done as well as she has so far.
Posted by Audrey at 12:43 AM 8 Wisecracks
Lazy Bones
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Posted by Audrey at 12:24 AM 5 Wisecracks
S'go Swimming
We took Darbi swimming the other day. First time in the pool. She HATED it. But there were some obnoxious boys having some stupid cannon ball contest right next to us. Hello?! I have a baby right here!! It's a pool.. I can't complain. She warmed up to the pool after a bit but she had to be right next to me clutching my shoulder the entire time. Hand-offs between Clint and I turned into frantic security grabbing attacks by Darbi. I think the next time will be better. We may just stick to the bathtub and the blow-up pool in the backyard...
When we got there she couldn't keep her eyes off the pool though.
Posted by Audrey at 12:09 AM 2 Wisecracks
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
We went home and took a REALLY long nap. Hit the parade.. where by the way... they are STINGY with the candy throwing.. When I was a kid there was ALWAYS a TON of candy. Lame. We did sit by some pretty awesome hecklers... It definitely made all those stupid politicians fun to watch. Why are they even in the parade?! At least throw some candy! That's how you'll win my vote. Next year... I'll just have a sign. Candy for Votes.
Darbi watched her first fireworks. She was scared at first but it was 10 at night. I bet she was just tired.
Oh. Best part. The Texas Twister. It's why we go. :)
Posted by Audrey at 11:48 PM 1 Wisecracks
What Clint Did
I've been meaning to post this F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I'm not kidding. Sorry Heather. :) Heather does our hair. This last time, she was able to squeeze Clint in while I was processing. That crazy kid has been telling me for YEARS how he wanted to dye his hair black. Of course I always said no because I thought it would look worse than it really does... yes. I just gave it away. Clint dyed his hair black and it looks pretty good! It's real subtle but I like it! Here's the before/after shots!
Posted by Audrey at 11:23 PM 1 Wisecracks
The Best One
Friday, June 11, 2010
I have to share this. Clint and I finally watched the new Alice in Wonderland and Clint kept comparing different scenes and happenings to the Disney version. I had no idea what he was talking about! I've only seen in once maybe twice.. I grew up on the 1985 made-for-tv-version. Check it. :D
Jam tomorrow, jam yesterday! But never ever jam today!!!
Freshman roomies.. remember when we drove all over Orem looking to rent this bad boy?!
Posted by Audrey at 11:36 PM 2 Wisecracks
With a little help... She WALKS!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I've been meaning to post an extensive update on Darbi's PT sessions and how we have been making so much progress lately, but I just haven't been in a writing mood. At the end of the day, I'm too tired to blog. Pictures and videos are just easier. So one of these days I'll get a long wordy post up here about that but for now, I'll just show you how well she's doing!
She took her first non-mommy/daddy-assisted-but-toy-assisted STEPS today!! I hope that makes sense. This was literally the 2nd time EVER she had done this and she took 11-ish steps with her new toy! (I'm shameless and buy her a toy when I think that it might even help her a tiny bit in her development.. looks like my spoiling tactics have paid off!) :)
Posted by Audrey at 12:14 AM 6 Wisecracks
Memorial Day Weekend
Friday, June 4, 2010
Co-op was canceled this last weekend so Dad was able to come up for a quick visit! It's been a bit since he's seen D but it didn't take her long to remember him. We rented a car and took a trip up to Idaho to visit my Grandma & Grandpa. It was so nice to get away... and I learned something about Clint. He's NEVER been to Yellowstone! Crazy... So we're going to go sometime this summer.
I'm about to go nuts with pictures...
Posted by Audrey at 10:09 PM 1 Wisecracks