New Stats

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We went to the Doctor today for her regular check up and these are her new numbers:

Weight: 13 pounds 11 ounces
Length: 25 inches
Head Cir: 16.75 inches

Our pediatrician has a computer that does all the math for the percentile and for her actual age (10 months 16 days) she is in the following percentiles:

Weight: 0.03%
Length: 0.19%
Head Cir: 5.26%

HA! She's FINALLY on the actual age growth chart, just barely. We met with the NP because our doc was out of town. She's super super nice and I actually was glad she was there this time. Our Dr. has not been in any hurry to take Darbi off of the oxygen and she suggested that we try getting rid of it now! I'll admit, I'm not too keen on getting rid of it, but if she really doesn't need it, it would be nice to not have it. So.... We will be doing a 24 trial run with a machine similar to the ones she was hooked up oh-so-long ago in the hospital. The oxygen company will then send the results over to the doc where he will review them and make a final decision. I'm hoping before Thanksgiving!!! I should be getting a phone call in the next few days to schedule the trial run with Praxair. I don't really want to drag 5 tanks down to AZ with me!

She gave me some tips on how to help her sleep through the night better. When she wakes up, I'm such a push over and feed her every time. :( It's just so easy.... I'm terrible. So I need to stop doing that. Other than that, the NP was super happy with how D is doing so far!

4 Wisecracks:

Mel H. said...

Yay for Darbi! I am super hesitant to cut off the oxygen too, but D's pulmonologist really wants it gone. She's doing fine during the day without it, but I want to keep it around at night for the time being. My husband and I bicker about it all the time.

Megan B ♥ said...

Ooh, so exciting! Can't wait to see how this plays out!

Aimee said...

What a BIG girl! Way to GROW, Darbi! :)

Ann said...

I'm a friend of Clerissa Lewis's and a volunteer up at the NICU. I remember seeing Darbi shortly after she was first born and fell in love with her then. So, occasionally I get on Clerissa's blog to scout out what's going on with you all. This particular post made me laugh. My little boy is barely on the growth chart too (for his adjusted age that is) and I don't even care. I'm just so happy he is there. I think it's the first time in, well, his life, that he's been there.

I know how you feel about the oxygen as well. As much as you hate to pack it around, it's nice to have the security. Good luck with it!