
Friday, December 11, 2009

I've figured it out! Thursday morning, D cut her first tooth! That's where the fever and the runny nose came from. We are on the mend and daily trying to get a good picture for you.

4 Wisecracks:

Audrey said...

HOLY COW! That is BIG news. You'll need a page for that in the 9x9 scrapbook.

Megan B ♥ said...

Yay!!! Yeah, Crew is feeling better now too, but no new tooth. No new YELLOW teeth either :) Miss you! Come home.

Nic and Ashley Haws said...

Wow! Congrats to Darbi! That's so hard for these little ones! I'm excited to see a picture!!!

Justina Selim said...

I'm jealous u r in AZ. Have fun!