I'm Yours and the Asian Boy

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This is AWESOME. Watch for the nose itch. I'm serious. I've already watched this like 8 times. It's FUNNY.

6 Wisecracks:

Audrey said...

I saw this a couple of days ago. I'm like in love with this little kid. And the nose itch is like the funniest thing ever!!!

Alison said...

Laughing my head off... so funny!

Thanks for the share!

Semi Granola Mom said...

ha, stinking cute, great impression :)

Bree :--) said...

What, that is AWESOME!! Love it. I don't think he has a singing career, but that guitar playing is unbelievable! Seriously crazy.

Team Skousen said...

SO CUTE!!! Is he speaking a different language? hahaha I do love the nose itch!

Megan B ♥ said...
