Diaper Change!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I know I said the other day we are still in Newborn diapers.. actually.. she was pretty much bursting out of them. Yesterday, while I was holding her naked body with just a diaper on... she decided to FILL her little pants with some nasty goo. I was frantic in my attempts to get her back to the changing table. The slightest pressure against her little bum, I was sure, would send me straight to the shower. Luckily... I made it in time and now we are all protected by some larger, more comfy, size 1 diapers!! And this little shirt she is wearing is actually a dress and at one time came down to her knees! I love rotating through clothes now! How does one store too-many-sizes-too-small clothing for your babes? Any good suggestions? I don't want to just stash them in a cardboard box to get yucky.

7 Wisecracks:

Karalee said...

I do put them in cardboard boxes. I use the boxes the diapers come in. But if you wanted extra protection and to get more space for your work, you could put them in a vacuum sealed bag first. I plan on washing the clothes before I use them again for the next one.

Jen Howick said...

i put mine in tubs... we have so. many. tubs! but it works! I store them by size.

Aimee said...

I put mine in tubs, too... but within the tubs, they're in plastic sacks according to size.

In fact, that's how I store his clothes to come, too... the very next size hangs in his closet, but the rest of the future clothes are sacked and stored elsewhere according to size.

Semi Granola Mom said...

rubbermaid tubs :D

Shari Romney Family!! said...

I put the clothes in the huge XXL ziploc storage bags then I put the backs into the rubbermaid tubs. I think this is the best way because everything is sealed! You can get the tubs in all sorts of different sizes including the tubs that roll under the bed. I also like to store them according to sizes. If I have a huge storage tub I put as many sizes as I can in that one conatiner like from 0-6months or whatever. And then about ever year and a half I wash all of my baby clothes and restore them again. I do this so they dont get any storing stains! I dont think they would since they are in ziploc sealed bags and then in sealed containers but I get paranoid! If clothes dont get store properly thats what happens to them! And if you dont have much storing space were you live Im sure family memebers would be willing to let you store your baby stuff there, thats what my sister in law did. Just dont forget that they are there and have them clearly marked!

The Plum Verbena said...

I personally do not save all my girl's clothes- I just know myself well enough to know that I most likely will not use all of them (plus there is an alomst 5 year gap between them, and they were born in different seasons...). I consign most of them, and save my favorites, and all my oldest's church dresses. Then I store the saved ones in tubs.

Megan B ♥ said...

Holy big girl!!