We have a date...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Surgery is scheduled for Thursday! That's pretty much all I got out of them today. Tomorrow I will talk with the doctor more in depth about all the details but it's a go for Thursday. I left a little early today because I was so tired and tomorrow will be a long day. I don't know exactly when the pre-op team will come talk to me so the plan is to get there early (9ish) and stay until I know everything.. and lunch is over. :) Free lunch Wednesdays!

Darbi is doing really well today! Super stable and her oxygen need was as low as 27 today! So good!! As soon as this surgery is over, hopefully, she'll start gaining weight much faster.

So on the way home today I stopped at Barnes & Noble to plan out how I will be spending my gift card. I LOVE how that store smells. You can smell the books a half a second before you walk through the double doors and the air from inside the store blows all your hair away from your face as you walk in. I LOVE IT! Walking into that store is so dramatic to me.. as should it be. It's an awesome store! So I'm way particular about books that I buy. If I'm going to buy it, it better be a dang good book that is going to be read many times. I'm all for owning the classics (and by classics, I mean any book that I like...). I won't just go out and buy a book based on it's description alone. It has to be one I've read before (because I've borrowed it from someone else who has bought it) or one I know will be good based on a review from someone who I know has good taste in books. So.. of course.. I didn't get anything today. It's such a process but I don't care. It just means I have to go back! :) I'll do some research online, check out some best seller lists, talk to some friends, THEN make a second trip to the store. I'm really excited about it...

1 Wisecracks:

Megan B ♥ said...

You SO must join goodreads.com

Can't wait to see you tomorrow! I LOVE FREE LUNCH!!! Crew may be getting his hernia surgery on Friday, fingers crossed!