Hey Quasimodo...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pregnancy hormones. :( I'm about to be really open... ok not really. I could make this post a lot worse.. this isn't that bad. When I was in high school, I had acne. There, I said it. And yes, Clint knows about it. But luckily for me, it was all cleared up when we met so he didn't know about it when he decided to make an eternal commitment with me. :) So.. all throughout my pregnancy, my face was clear.. then.. I had Big D. I broke out like crazy! It's like I had a beard of acne! Gross.. I know. I'm over being embarresed about it though.. I'm already married! I've already snagged Clint and he's got no way out. :) Sorry hun.. So yesterday I woke up with this beastie!

I'm still being a little pouty. So originally, I thought:

1) Clint beats me in my sleep.. or in his sleep... but, really?? No. He doesn't.
2) I'm clumsy.. also in my sleep... I'm the most graceful person I know! Are you kidding??
3) I've been cursed with the face of Quasimodo... because I'm so awesome! :) Quite possible I think..
4) I've really been cursed with a tortuous BIBLICAL size boil.. because I'm so awesome!!!

MOS'DEF the last one. It's all swollen and painful. I have a pimple headache.. if there ever was one of those. And today, at Becky's house.. I was looking for her router beind a desk and forgot about my forehead land mass and rammed it into the wall. :( OUCH. It better go away.

Yes. I know I need to pluck my eyebrows. Don't judge.

"Or what?" my pimple says?? I got nuthin'.

7 Wisecracks:

Shari Romney Family!! said...

I think we all have been there with waking up in the morning and finding huge pimples on our faces. I know I have! When Im pregnant I tend to tons of pimples, not to mention even after having a baby it doesnt go away until at least four or five months later!! I hope it goes away, and hey stuff like that gives be character!! :)

Audrey said...

Audrey, this post it hilarious! So sad!!! I bet it is SO PAINFUL. And I promise I won't make fun of you when I see you at the shower today. :)

Alison said...

s p e e c h l e s s

Megan B ♥ said...

LOL, I didn't see this before I saw you today and I didn't notice it. So either it resolved quickly, or you are a master with the make up! I STILL remember this one mountain I had on my forehead once (oh, I had a half beard all through high school, promise) and I remember leaning up against the window of an airplane to get a better look below me. OUCH!! Almost passed out it hurt so much! You just involuntarily lurched, didn't you?

Justina Selim said...

Oh man that looks painful! We all get those every once in a while though right! Funny post! You crack me up!

Becky Bean said...

It hurts to look at those pictures!

Cyndi Hendrickson said...

Catching up with Dapne again...

You are too funny!